The Audio Diet

In this fast-paced world, where every moment counts, I’ve recently noticed a peculiar habit of mine: a relentless quest for sound and information. As a dedicated father and entrepreneur, my days are a juggling act between family responsibilities and business ambitions. This leaves little room for stillness, a rare commodity in my life.

For two decades, I’ve embraced meditation, seeking solace in mindfulness. Yet, in a candid admission, I find my mind seldom at rest. Whether I’m engaged in mundane tasks like chopping celery or taking leisurely strolls, I’m always plugged into the world of podcasts or audiobooks. This constant auditory companionship, while enriching in knowledge, raises a question – am I really benefiting from this incessant influx of information?

The irony isn’t lost on me. Here I am, an advocate of mindfulness, yet addicted to the comfort of background noise. These podcasts and books, as intellectually stimulating as they are, seem to have become my advanced pacifiers. They shield me from the quieter moments that could be spent observing the simple joys around me or wrestling with my thoughts.

Recently, I’ve begun to ponder the impact of this habit. Is it genuinely enriching my life, or merely serving as a distraction from the deeper, often challenging, reflections of my inner world? The realization hits; it’s perhaps a bit of both. My mind, ever hungry for knowledge, finds solace in learning, yet at the cost of missing out on the unadorned beauty of the present.

I’m now contemplating an experiment – a week-long auditory diet. This means deliberately stepping back from my routine of constant listening, creating space for silence, and embracing the rawness of my thoughts. It’s not about abandoning my beloved podcasts or books, but rather about finding a balance. Maybe designate specific times for listening, akin to a time-restricted diet for the mind.

As I propose this self-imposed challenge, I can’t help but feel a twinge of reluctance. The thought of missing out on my favorite shows, like ‘The Watch’ or ‘The Big Picture’, in favor of more work-relevant content like ‘Pivot’, seems daunting. Yet, isn’t this the essence of the experiment – to discover if this perceived necessity is indeed as crucial as it seems?

In a world where we’re constantly bombarded with information, taking a step back might just be the key to rediscovering the beauty of simplicity and the value of our own thoughts. So, yes, I’m ready to embrace this challenge, to explore the unknown territories of my mind, unplugged and undistracted.