You are not a white swan

I have wasted hours in front of an empty screen trying to think about what would make you happy. What would add value to you. What would…

I have wasted hours in front of an empty screen trying to think about what would make you happy. What would add value to you. What would make you click on me.

Those days are done.

They aren’t done because I am giving up, but because I have found the courage to tell you what I really think rather than what I think you want me to say.

I look at my industry ‘the growth industry’ and feel hollow. It’s full of Black Swans claiming to be white. You worship false idols, you have lost the conviction to carve your own path, and you stink of the narrative.

It’s taken me 6 years to write this and I feel better already.

Tomorrow I am going to talk about making money from poor people and how shitty it made me feel.